

  • At the Society of Women Engineers Annual Conference (WE23), I was presented with the Emerging Engineering Educator award.  I am honored to be recognized for outstanding service in technical and professional societies, including SWE. 

  • At the 2023 Frontiers in Education Conference, I was presented with the Mac Van Valkenburg Early Career Teaching Award.  I am honored to be  recognized "for innovative contributions to undergraduate education, laboratory curriculum, and inclusive pedagogy methods."

  • Even though all of the WE Local conferences in North America were canceled, the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) still recognized several people with WE Local Awards.  I was presented with the WE Local 2021 Local ELiTE (Emerging Leader in Engineering and Technology) Award.  This award honors engineers who have been actively engaged in an engineering or technology profession and have ten to fifteen years of cumulative engineering experience and consistent SWE involvement including both formal and informal leadership roles.  

  • This year at WE20, I was recognized as an Outstanding SWE Counselor. I am grateful for the SWE members in B-Section at Kettering University and other Kettering SWE members who took the time to nominate me for this award. I enjoy working with both of the SWE sections at Kettering. Their enthusiasm for outreach and supporting women in STEM is inspiring. I am happy to be able to continue to support them as their counselor even though I have moved on to another position.

  • At the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference, I was awarded the Apprentice Faculty Grant.  The members of the Educational Research and Methods Division of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) award the Apprentice Faculty Grants for demonstrating outstanding potential for substantial future contributions to engineering education research and scholarship.  The other recipients in 2017 were Stephanie Cutler, Brooke Coley, and Cory Hixson.

  • This year I was recognized as one of the Society of Women Engineers' Distinguished New Engineers.  This award is given to a maximum of 10 engineers each year.  The award recognizes women who have progressed in their technical careers, contributed to their local community, and to SWE.

    I was selected for successfully navigating a career transition from industry to academia, for innovative research in engineering education, and for leadership in fulfilling the SWE mission. 

  • I am pleased to be named as one of this year’s Society of Women Engineer’s New Faces of Engineering. An amazing group of women, including Rachel Morford, Brianne Wilburne, Allison Tuff Mjoen, and Jennifer Vallero, are also recognized with this honor.